The tale begins in Lousada, Portugal in 1998 when a growing family had to make a tough decision. At just eight years old, Filipe Babo watched as his father’s cherished 1976 Austin Mini 1000 was sold, a farewell to the car that played a massive part in igniting his passion for Minis.
Fast forward to 2017: With a desire to own a classic Mini, Filipe scoured the classifieds, never expecting to find a familiar face among the listings. The moment he saw the car in person, he knew. The license plate and the faint glimpse of red beneath the blue paint were unmistakable signs—it was his father's Mini. There was no doubt in his mind, he had to buy it.
Instead of going for the original red, Filipe opted for something a little more exotic... A paint that you would associate with a prancing black horse: Rosso Corsa Red accompanied by a gloss white roof. From then on, the Mini became affectionately known as "Vermelhinho" which is Portuguese for Little Red.
Once the paint was laid, it was time for assembly. A host of new and NOS parts were fitted including a Hi-Lo suspension kit to improve handling and disc brakes to increase the stopping power. It is always sensible to upgrade handling and brakes before increasing engine power...
The last aspect of the restoration was transforming the interior; A new perforated black headliner, carpet and door cards were fitted. Although the Mini retained it's original seats, they have been retrimmed in black with red piping. Filipe has gone the extra mile to make his father's old Mini something special, something that him and his family can be proud of.
In the five years since the Mini's return, it has been a constant source of joy and stories. The car is not merely a restored vehicle; it is a living, breathing part of the family’s history, cherished and enjoyed to the fullest. As one of Filipe’s friends wisely says, "A Mini never breaks down, it only stops to collect moments and stories."
Words: Ross MacDonald
Photos: Filipe Babo, John's Perspective